Lovely twining, evergreen climber with large, deep red trumpet-shaped flowers from summer- autumn. Very tender needs a heated conservatory in winter
Lovely twining, evergreen climber with large, pale pink trumpet-shaped flowers with a yellow eye from summer to autumn.
Strong-growing plant with striking silvery soft grey leaves and spikes of mauve flowers in summer.
The rare form of the Wild Dagga with white tubular furry flowers held in whorls up the stem in late summer. Makes a nice specimen for a summer patio or large conservatory.
A fantastic jungly plant (musifolia = banana leaves!) with large green leaves with red-tinged margins & central rib. Good moist soil in sun, best bedded out for the summer.
A small species not often offered for sale, this produces small but attractive flowers, the colour of which is difficult to describe - depending on the light, they can appear a subtle grey, blue, pink or cream.
Seed raised white flowered form, the spicily scented flowers open late afternoon into the evening, lovely in the evening garden. Half hardy
Similar to Sparrmannia africana but with shinier leaves, this makes a worthwhile foliage subject for a large conservatory,
A large half-hardy shrub with 30cm long spikes of electric blue flowers in early summer. Should survive outside in mild areas in well drained soil. Short lived, but replacement plants can be grown from seed.
Papyrus makes a wonderful specimen for a warm conservatory, stood in a shallow tray of water. It can be placed outdoor for the summer in a warm sunny sheltered location.
A scrambling, bushy climber for a conservatory or frost free garden with beautiful blue flowers in summer - a slightly deeper shade than the species.
Twining climber from western Australia with masses of small bell-shaped blue flowers in summer. Hardy in a mild, sheltered spot.
A good cultivar with larger pale lilac, Hibiscus-like flowers. A long-flowering shrub from Western Australia, frost tender, but may survive outdoors in mild gardens. Prune back in spring. Makes a large spreading shrub in full sun.