Conservatory and Sunroom

We probably use the term Conservatory Plants a bit too freely – after all, plants were around long before conservatories, and with a bit of ingenuity, it is amazing the number of ‘conservatory’ plants you can grow - without a conservatory! A sun-lounge, porch or gently heated greenhouse will be appreciated by many medium-sized plants and some smaller plants can be accommodated on a windowsill. Plants in this category are generally regarded as best grown permanently indoors, due to their size, habit, flowering or tenderness. Wherever possible plants will appreciate a spell outdoors in summer. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

363 Items
Abutilon  'Nabob'
Abutilon 'Nabob'
Abutilon 'Leila Jackson'
Abutilon 'Leila Jackson'
Abutilon 'Pink Charm'
Abutilon 'Pink Charm'
Abutilon hybridum maximum
Abutilon hybridum maximum
Acacia floribunda
Acacia floribunda
Acacia retinodes
Adiantum hispidulum 'Bronze Venus'
Adiantum hispidulum 'Bronze Venus'
Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans'
Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans'
Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans' - 1 litre pot
Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans' - 1 litre pot
Adromischus cooperi
Adromischus cooperi
Aeonium  'Zwartkop'
Aeonium 'Zwartkop'
Aeonium  leucoblepharum (leuconeura)
Aeonium leucoblepharum (leuconeura)
Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty'
Aeonium decorum f. variegata
Aeonium decorum f. variegata
Aeonium simsii - variegated
Aeonium simsii - variegated
Aeonium ‘Plum Thumb’
Aeonium ‘Plum Thumb’
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