
Houseplants breathe life and style into a room, increase the feeling of well-being and help to purify the air. We have grown indoor plants since we started our Nursery in 1999 so if you are looking for a great range of interesting, unusual or maybe just good old-fashioned houseplants then you're in the right place!

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

138 Items
Adiantum hispidulum 'Bronze Venus'
Adiantum hispidulum 'Bronze Venus'
Rosy Maidenhair Fern

A very pretty fern, the new fronds emerge a bronze red. For a shady spot in humus-rich soil in warm garden.

Aeonium  'Zwartkop'
Aeonium 'Zwartkop'

A shrubby succulent with rosettes very dark purple, almost black leaves. An excellent plant for a sunny conservatory by patio doors or as a specimen for the summer patio. This plant can get top heavy so grow it in a heavy terracotta pot. Colouration is best in full sun. Water very sparingly especially in winter

Aeonium  leucoblepharum (leuconeura)
Aeonium leucoblepharum (leuconeura)

A variable East African species, our form appears to be low growing, the leaves having a central purple stripe. We may know more as we grow it.

Aeonium simsii - variegated
Aeonium simsii - variegated

A low growing branching succulent with soft pale green leaves edged with white, lovely in a shallow bowl.

Aloe brevifolia
Short Leaved Aloe

Attractive succulent forming geometric mounds of tight rosettes of short softly spined leaves. Spikes of orange flowers in summer. Reasonably winter hardy if kept dry.

Aloe cooperi
Aloe cooperi
Cooper's aloe, iPutumane

This species one of the 'grass' Aloes, has narrow spotted leaves held in fan shaped clumps which divide at the base. Red flowers should appear on 2 ft. stems.

Aloe dawei
Aloe dawei
Dawe's Aloe

(Aloe pole-evansii, Aloe beniensis.) An Aloe from Uganda with beautiful red flowers in winter. It is a smaller Aloe and forms nice clumps. The leaves are long, narrow, bright green and edged with small teeth. Plant in full sun to semi-shade.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera
Burn Plant, Medicine Plant

This popular succulent is very useful to have around the home. The fleshy interior of the leaves can soothe and help heal minor skin ailments and burns. Works superbly to alleviate pain from stinging nettles. Spikes of yellow flowers appear in summer

Aristaloe  aristata
Aristaloe aristata
Lace Aloe

(Previously Aloe aristata.)

A fairly hardy quick growing succulent with neat rosettes of green leaves with soft white spines. Spikes of pink flowers in spring.

Asparagus falcatus
Asparagus falcatus
Sickle Thorn

Vigorous evergreen climber for a conservatory with spiny stems clothed with large flat leaves.

Begonia  'Erythrophylla'
Begonia 'Erythrophylla'

Beefsteak Begonia

The large rounded fleshy leaves with a red underside earn this houseplant its common name of Beefsteak Begonia. It makes a spreading plant with small, light pink flowers in late winter-spring. Protect from strong sunlight.


Begonia  'Snow Cap'
Begonia 'Snow Cap'

A striking Cane Begonia with glossy green leaves generously sprinkled with white spots. Pendant clusters of pink flowers in summer. Evergreen

Begonia  'Tiger Paws'
Begonia 'Tiger Paws'
Tiger Paw Begonia

This attractive little plant has bright light green leaves decorated with bronze-red areas around the veins which remain green. Makes a neat houseplant for a shady spot.

Begonia 'Tiger Paws'
Begonia albopicta 'Rosea'

A pretty cane begonia, growing to about a metre, with medium-sized, long spotty leaves, and hanging clusters of pink flowers. A great easy to look after house plant. Shade from hot sun.

Begonia shepherdii
Begonia shepherdii

An unusual cane Begonia with swollen knobbly stems, small palmate spotted leaves and small white flowers. Makes a very neat compact little houseplant

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