Conservatory and Sunroom

We probably use the term Conservatory Plants a bit too freely – after all, plants were around long before conservatories, and with a bit of ingenuity, it is amazing the number of ‘conservatory’ plants you can grow - without a conservatory! A sun-lounge, porch or gently heated greenhouse will be appreciated by many medium-sized plants and some smaller plants can be accommodated on a windowsill. Plants in this category are generally regarded as best grown permanently indoors, due to their size, habit, flowering or tenderness. Wherever possible plants will appreciate a spell outdoors in summer. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

325 Items
Crassula  ovata 'Gollum'
Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
Jade Plant, Money Plant

A distinctive dwarf hybrid with curious elongated leaves terminating in a shallow depression. The leaves take on a reddish tinge in cold weather.

Crassula 'Garnet Lotus'
Crassula 'Garnet Lotus'

A distinctive hybrid with thick fleshy dusky purple grey pointed leaves. A neat little plant

Crassula capitella 'Campfire'

A vigourous plant forming mounds of neatly arranged leaves which take on a vivid red colouration in summer. Lovely in a shallow pot or planted under Aeoniums. South Africa.

Crassula multicava
Fairy Crassula, Pitted Crassula

A plant from shady cliff faces in subtropical South Africa, forming a sprawling mats of fleshy green leaves with red undersurfaces. Makes an unusual plant for a partly shady windowsill indoors. Possibly hardy in sheltered gardens, away from hot midday sun.

Crassula ovata
Crassula ovata
Jade Tree, Money Plant

(C. portulacea.) Popular succulent with rounded green leaves with a red edge. After a cool rest in winter, plants may produce masses of small white flowers.

Crassula ovata 'Hummel's Sunset'
Crassula ovata 'Hummel's Sunset'

A stunning succulent and a good alternative to the usual Jade Tree, with fat leaves tinged with red & yellow and white flowers in winter.A really easy to grow succulent just don't over water!

Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Jade Tree, Money Plant

A dwarf version of this popular succulent with smaller rounded green leaves and only growing to around 45cm tall. Easy to grow, thrives on neglect!

Crassula ovata 'Undulata'
Crassula ovata 'Undulata'
Money Plant

A compact form of the Money Plant with curly blue-green fleshy leaves. Denser and slower growing.

Crassula perfoliata v. heterotricha
Crassula perfoliata v. heterotricha

Name uncertain but bought as this. A vigourous growing succulent with densely packed leaves on long stems. These tend to flop, making it ideal for a wide shallow bowl, or for bedding out in the summer.

Crassula swaziensis variegata
Crassula swaziensis variegata
Money Maker

A neat little compact spreading succulent with fleshy variegated leaves.

Crassula tetragona
Crassula tetragona
Miniature Pine Tree

A well branched succulent with lots of small narrow leaves giving the plant the appearance of a Pine tree in miniature.

Cuphea caeciliae
Cuphea caeciliae
Cigar Plant

A bushy tender shrubby perennial ideal for bedding out with other tropical plants. Covered from summer to autumn with masses of orange tubular flowers.

Cuphea ignea
Cigar Plant

A colourful small tender shrub with vivid red tubular flowers over a long period in summer. Ideal for bedding out with other exotic plants, or in containers. Over winter frost free.

Cussonia sphaerocephala
Natal Forest Cabbage Tree

From dry areas of South Africa where it makes a large tree, this makes a striking plant in a large pot. Deeply cut glossy leaves emerge red then change to green.

Cyanotis somaliensis
Cyanotis somaliensis
Furry Kittens, Pussy Ears

A neat, creeping little houseplant with small slightly hairy leaves. Small, fluffy blue flowers in winter spring. Ideal for a windowsill which is not too sunny. Can also be grown in a hanging basket where it will trail

Cyperus albostriatus
Cyperus albostriatus
Dwarf Umbrella Plant

A low-growing relative of the Papyrus, this makes good groundcover for the edges of a pond in mild gardens.

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