
We love succulents, they are perfect houseplants! They are so incredibly diverse from colourful and architectural to wonderfully weird. Generally speaking they are easy to grow just needing a good amount of sunlight and most conveniently, not very much water. Most come from dry, arid or desert habitats and store water in their fleshy leaves. They are a great way of getting children interested in growing things too, they find them utterly fascinating.

We will be potting up a range of succulents in the near future, so our rather limited range will expand considerably.We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

91 Items
Crassula 'Estagnol'

A neat, compact succulent with bright green leaves arranges in a spiral pattern going up the stem. Mature plants may produce white flowers in Spring. Ideal for a windowsill.

Crassula  cordata
Crassula cordata

A shrubby succulent with red edged leaves which have pronounced stomata on their surfaces. Height unknown as yet.

Crassula  ovata 'Gollum Variegated'
Crassula ovata 'Gollum Variegated'
Jade Plant, Money Plant

A distinctive dwarf hybrid with curious elongated leaves terminating in a shallow depression. The leaves are variegated green and yellow and take on a reddish tinge in cold weather.

Crassula  ovata 'Gollum'
Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
Jade Plant, Money Plant

A distinctive dwarf hybrid with curious elongated leaves terminating in a shallow depression. The leaves take on a reddish tinge in cold weather.

Crassula lycopodioides ssp. pseudolycopodiodes
Crassula lycopodioides ssp. pseudolycopodiodes

Previously listed under C. muscosa. Spreading succulent for a sunny windowsill with triangular leaves and tiny tubular yellow flowers in spring.

Crassula multicava
Fairy Crassula, Pitted Crassula

A plant from shady cliff faces in subtropical South Africa, forming a sprawling mats of fleshy green leaves with red undersurfaces. Makes an unusual plant for a partly shady windowsill indoors. Possibly hardy in sheltered gardens, away from hot midday sun.

Crassula ovata
Crassula ovata
Jade Tree, Money Plant

(C. portulacea.) Popular succulent with rounded green leaves with a red edge. After a cool rest in winter, plants may produce masses of small white flowers.

Crassula ovata 'Hummel's Sunset'
Crassula ovata 'Hummel's Sunset'

A stunning succulent and a good alternative to the usual Jade Tree, with fat leaves tinged with red & yellow and white flowers in winter.A really easy to grow succulent just don't over water!

Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Jade Tree, Money Plant

A dwarf version of this popular succulent with smaller rounded green leaves and only growing to around 45cm tall. Easy to grow, thrives on neglect!

Crassula pellucida subsp. marginalis f. rubra
Crassula pellucida subsp. marginalis f. rubra
Calico Kitten

A delightful trailing plant, with masses of small muliticoloured fleshy leaves. An ideal sunny windowsill plant.

Crassula perfoliata v. heterotricha
Crassula perfoliata v. heterotricha

Name uncertain but bought as this. A vigourous growing succulent with densely packed leaves on long stems. These tend to flop, making it ideal for a wide shallow bowl, or for bedding out in the summer.

Crassula perfoliata var. falcata
Propeller Plant

Large succulent with fleshy grey leaves arranged propeller fashion. Bright red flowers like a shaving-brush appear in summer.

Crassula sarmentosa  'Variegata'
Crassula sarmentosa 'Variegata'

Variegated succulent with a semi trailing habit & white flowers in late summer.

Crassula tetragona
Crassula tetragona
Miniature Pine Tree

A well branched succulent with lots of small narrow leaves giving the plant the appearance of a Pine tree in miniature.

Drosanthemum floribundum
Drosanthemum floribundum

A low-growing spreading/ trailing succulent with small grey leaves, smothered in vivid pink flowers in late spring to early summer. For a mild, sunny garden, ideally on a rockery or bank in full sun & very well drained soil. Otherwise a sunny greenhouse.

Echeveria  'Violet Queen'
Echeveria 'Violet Queen'

Tidy rosettes of blue leaves with a pinky violet tinge. Makes effective ground cover either in a summer bedding scheme, or in a conservatory.

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