
Houseplants breathe life and style into a room, increase the feeling of well-being and help to purify the air. We have grown indoor plants since we started our Nursery in 1999 so if you are looking for a great range of interesting, unusual or maybe just good old-fashioned houseplants then you're in the right place!

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

138 Items
Begonia sutherlandii
Begonia sutherlandii

A dainty trailing begonia with arching fleshy stems and small orange flowers in summer. Good summer hanging basket plant for shade or semi-shade. Not hardy

Billbergia nutans
Billbergia nutans
Queen's Tears

An easy to grow bromeliad with funnel-shaped leaves which hold water and exotic, red and blue pendant flowers on long stems in mid-summer.

Billbergia nutans 'Variegata'
Billbergia nutans 'Variegata'
Queen's Tears

An easy to grow bromeliad with funnel-shaped variegated leaves which hold water and exotic, red and blue pendant flowers on long stems in mid-summer.

Billbergia nutans var. shimperiana
Billbergia nutans var. shimperiana
Queen's Tears

A narrow-leaved form of this easy to grow bromeliad with funnel-shaped leaves which hold water and exotic, red and blue pendant flowers on long stems in mid-summer.

Billbergia x windii
Billbergia x windii
Queen's Tears

A hybrid between nutans and decora, with the hardiness of the former and the larger and longer flowers of the latter. Because the flowers hang down it makes a good plant for a shallow hanging pot or basket.

Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark'
Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark'
Stalked Bulbine

An orange flowered selection of the yellow flowered species. Spreading clumps of narrow fleshy leaves topped with spikes of small orange flowers in spring and summer. Hardy in mild gardens.

Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with pure white flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Campanula isophylla 'Variegata'
Variegated Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with variegated leaves & pale blue flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Chlorophytum   'Bonnie'
Chlorophytum 'Bonnie'
Curly Spider Plant

A more compact version of the Spider Plant with curly variegated foliage. Ideal for a trailing plant in a tight spot.

Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Spider Plant

Spider Plant with green leaves with a white-cream central stripe, giving it an overall lighter appearance than 'Variegatum'.

Chlorophytum comosum variety
Chlorophytum comosum variety
Spider Plant

This Spider plant has curiously twisted plain green leaves with a paler green central stripe.

Cissus antarctica
Cissus antarctica
Kangaroo Vine

Tender tendril climber with glossy evergreen leaves, The cymes of small green flowers from spring to summer are possibly followed by black berries.

Cotyledon orbiculata
Pig's Ear

An attractive shrubby succulent. The large pale grey leaves have a fine powdery bloom which contrasts nicely with their narrow red margins. Clusters of orange bell-shaped flowers may appear on mature plants which can reach 1m high.

Cotyledon orbiculata 'Staghorn'
Cotyledon orbiculata 'Staghorn'

A striking succulent with characteristic large staghorn-shaped leaves. Ideal for a large shallow bowl or trough where it can spread to make an impressive plant. Outdoors in summer, in for the winter.

Crassula 'Estagnol'

A neat, compact succulent with bright green leaves arranges in a spiral pattern going up the stem. Mature plants may produce white flowers in Spring. Ideal for a windowsill.

Crassula  cordata
Crassula cordata

A shrubby succulent with red edged leaves which have pronounced stomata on their surfaces. Height unknown as yet.

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