Indoor Climbing Plants

Climbing plants are an excellent choice for growing indoors, as they give a lot of cover for a small amount of floor space. They very often make effective trailing plants too

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

31 Items
Parthenocissus or Cissus species
Parthenocissus or Cissus species

Name uncertain, may be a variety of P. inserta. A vigourous climbing or trailing plant wih attractive palmate leaves..

Passiflora mollissima
Banana Fruited Passion Flower

Large, pendulous, blush-pink flowers followed by edible fruit, green at first then ripening to yellow. Flowers from July to December.

Passiflora manicata

A beautiful species with scarlet red flowers with very short purple filamants from April to September. Needs a cool conservatory in summer and good ventilation. Possibly OK outside in a very sheltered, well drained position. Minimum 0 to minus 5°C.

Pelargonium 'Clorinda'
Pelargonium 'Clorinda'

A vigorous, scented leaved, scrambling variety with bright pink, flowers from spring-autumn. Makes a great specimen for a pot getting to around 1m high in a couple of seasons

Plumbago auriculata 'Crystal Waters'
Cape leadwort

A scrambling, bushy climber for a conservatory or frost free garden with beautiful blue flowers in summer - a slightly deeper shade than the species.

Plumbago auriculata v. alba
Plumbago auriculata v. alba
Cape leadwort

A scrambling, bushy climber for a conservatory or frost free garden with beautiful clusters of white flowers in summer. A nice contrast with the blue flowered species

Rhodochiton atrosanguineus
Rhodochiton atrosanguineus
Purple Bell VineDeciduous, twining climber with pendant, tubular, deep purple flowers encased in large bell-shaped pink calyces.
Rhoicissus digitata
Rhoicissus digitata
Baboon Grape

Rarely offered in the UK, this is a frost-tender vigourous South African climbing or trailing plant.Hardy in sheltered gardens.

Rosa  'Climbing Columbia'
Rosa 'Climbing Columbia'

A lovely rose for a cool conservatory - the pink flowers are strongly scented and appear over a long period from mid-summer to early winter.

Senecio angulatus
Senecio angulatus
Climbing Groundsel, Cape Ivy

A half-hardy vigourous South African climbing succulent with fleshy leaves and clusters of small bright yellow flowers in summer & autumn, which should be scented.

Senecio hoffmannii
Senecio hoffmannii

A tender climbing member of the daisy family with vivid orange flowers in summer. Can be grown in a large pot and stood out for the summer.

Senecio mikanioides
Senecio mikanioides

An attractive climbing or scrambling plant with fleshy pale green leaves with & deeper green along the veins. The reverse of the leaves is deep red. Yellow flowers may appear. Frost free, sun to part-shade.

Thunbergia gregorii
Thunbergia gregorii
Orange Clock Vine

A tender perennial climber with large vivid orange flowers, almost 2" wide in summer. Can also be grown as an annual like the normal Black-eyed Susan

Tweedia caerulea
Tweedia caerulea
Southern Star, Blue Flowered Milkweed

Semi shrubby climber bearing clusters of beautiful pale turquoise blue star-shaped flowers in summer; best in a sunny conservatory, or outside in the mildest frost free localities.

Tweedia caerulea 'Heavenborn'
Tweedia caerulea 'Heavenborn'
Southern Star, Blue Flowered Milkweed

A compact form grown for the cut-flower market, should make a neater plant without the need for staking. Clusters of beautiful pale turquoise blue star-shaped flowers in summer, sunny conservatory, or outside in the mild gardens.

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