Half Hardy and Summer Patio

Bring a taste of the exotic to your garden with half-hardy plants. If you can provide some winter protection it is amazing how many more interesting and plants you can grow, to the envy of your friends and family. You can grow these plants in pots and enjoy them in the garden between June and September when there is no risk of frost (UK). All they need is a greenhouse, porch or conservatory over winter kept above freezing.

Many plants will relish a spell outdoors, the local birds can get at any pests, and the sun and wind helps to strengthen the plants. September is a good time to start thinking about bringing plants undercover, as the nights will be rapidly getting longer and colder, and excess moisture can build up. Some plants will be happy tucked up against the house wall, with a bit of fleece to hand for very cold nights. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

211 Items
Pelargonium x tricuspidatum
Pelargonium x tricuspidatum

A hybrid between P. scabrum and P. lanceolatum, with fleshy grey-green three pointed leaves and pure white flowers with red markings. 30 cm.

Pelargonium ‘Copthorne’
Pelargonium ‘Copthorne’
Scented Leaf Pelargonium

A beautiful cultivar boasting spicily scented leaves plus masses of pinky mauve flowers all summer.

Phlebodium aureum areolatum
Phlebodium aureum areolatum
Blue Bear’s Paw

A striking indoor fern with large, coarsely cut glaucous bluish grey fronds.

Plectranthus argentatus 'Silver Shield'
Plectranthus argentatus 'Silver Shield'
Silver Spur Flower, Silver Plectranthus

Strong-growing plant with striking silvery soft grey leaves and spikes of mauve flowers in summer.

Plectranthus barbatus
Plectranthus barbatus
Blue Spur Flower

A vigourous tender shrub with large leaves and showy blue flowers in autumn, May survive a light frost.

Plectranthus ciliatus
Plectranthus ciliatus

A spreading tender perennial with green leaves with deep red coloration on the underside. Makes a nice windowsill plant.

Plectranthus ciliatus 'Troy's Gold'
Plectranthus ciliatus 'Troy's Gold'

A colourful spreading ortrailing perennial with golden yellow leaves. Can be grown as a trailing houseplant or in summer hanging baskets (Tender perennial)

Plectranthus ecklonii
Tall Spurflower, Ecklon's Plectranthus

A vigoruous tender shrub producing large spires of deep purple flowers in late summer. For a warm sheltered spot in shade or part shade.

Plectranthus ernstii

A compact plant known for its distinctive succulent swollen stems. The leaves are aromatic and the small flowers are white with purple markings, appearing in summer.

Plectranthus fruticosus 'James'
Plectranthus fruticosus 'James'
Zulu Spurflower

A vigourous tender shrub with pungently scented purple-veined leaves and long spikes of pink flowers in autumn.

Plectranthus hadiensis var. tomentosus 'Penge'
Plectranthus hadiensis var. tomentosus 'Penge'
Hairy Spurflower A spreading tender perennial with soft green leaves with yellow margins. Spikes of small pale mauve flowers in winter. Can be bedded out for the summer or grown in pots.
Plectranthus succulentum
Plectranthus succulentum

A densely growing little plant with small succulent leaves with a pungent scent.

Plectranthus venteri
Sekukuni Spurflower

A tender shrubby perennial from South Africa where it grows on rocky outcrops. Spikes of small pale flowers in autumn. The fleshy lobed leaves have a pungent aroma, and will tolerate full sun.

Plectranthus zuluensis
Plectranthus zuluensis
Zulu spurflower

Tender perennial with aromatic leaves and large spikes of tubular blue flowers for most of the year. Great for a pot on the summer patio Loved by bees.

Plumbago auriculata 'Crystal Waters'
Cape leadwort

A scrambling, bushy climber for a conservatory or frost free garden with beautiful blue flowers in summer - a slightly deeper shade than the species.

Plumbago auriculata v. alba
Plumbago auriculata v. alba
Cape leadwort

A scrambling, bushy climber for a conservatory or frost free garden with beautiful clusters of white flowers in summer. A nice contrast with the blue flowered species

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